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Recipe: Macerated Strawberries

Prep Time 15 minutes

Another Batsteph recipe, and according to her:

When served over a good-quality vanilla ice cream, this is darned near orgasmic. And it has a kinda funny name to boot.


  1. ½ pound fresh strawberries (purchased that day)
  2. 2 tablespoons sugar
  3. Splash of Grand Marnier (optional, but yummy)
  4. Ice cream


Get out:

  1. Ingredients
  2. Cutting board
  3. Sharp knife
  4. Large glass bowl

Do this after you have dinner started, but before you serve it:

  1. Wash and slice strawberries.
  2. Gently toss strawberries and sugar in a (preferably glass) bowl
  3. Add liqueur and toss again.

Leave these to sit at room temperature while you eat dinner. When you're ready for dessert, spoon them over ice cream and enjoy. The sugar macerates (naturally draws out the liquid from) the berries, making a nice sauce, and the liqueur adds a bit of extra flavor.

Good Luck!!!

- "Mr. Nice Guy"