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As an avid reader, I read pretty much anything that I can get my hands on, including quite a few books on dating. If you know of any that are not mentioned here that you think could help, please feel free to contact me with the information.

Also, NiceCentral.Org is an associate. This means that if you buy anything through NiceCentral.Org, I may eventually get a check which would help defray the costs of maintaining this site. I apologize if this seems crass and commercial, but while I am maintaining this site for fun and to help other nice guys, if I can get enough money for this, it makes it that much easier to work on my dating sites.

Mars and Venus on a Date WomenMen Mars and Venus on a Date by John Gray
While simplistic, and nowhere near as interesting as "Mars and Venus in a Cheap Sleazy Hotel Room in Las Vegas," this book has some good points to make. I'd say that the information is more useful for being in a relationship than actually getting dates.

The other advantage of reading this — also a possible disadvantage — is that it allows you to talk about John Gray's writing intelligently. As a nice guy, the last thing that you may need is to come across as any more "sensitive."

What the Hell Do Women Really Want What the Hell Do Women Really Want: A Guide for Men in the 90s by Jama Clark
I think that most nice guys really need this book. Period. This encapsulates most of what the other books are trying to say while not holding any punches. Dr. Clark's Jerk/Doormat scale pretty well covers the whole "nice guy" know all of the times that you've wondered about the jerks getting the dates? This can help you to understand why, as well as what you can do to get dates.

Good Luck!!!

- "Mr. Nice Guy"